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Headmaster Tom does not believe his eyes! Its exactly 2 years ago that Claire has left Girls Boarding School, as a well educated and well behaving young lady, facing a successful and prosperous future. And now look who is sitting there at Girls Boarding School again, with a heavy list of offenses, misconducts and wrongdoings in the past 24 months, including multiple times in prison! So a reset to zero for Claire, to start all over again, to learn how a young lady is expected to behave. Welcome back Claire, and to make sure that you understand the gravity of your situation, a severe caning on your bare buttocks, right away, right now, without further discussions!

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Spanking discipline for disobedient girls Similar Free PreviewsBad attitudes - Free GalleryStolen chocolate - Free GalleryPainful Tutoring - Free GalleryNo title - Free GalleryRight times - Free GalleryA sore bottom for stealing money - Free GalleryVisit the Girls Boarding School
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