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The return of Elin - Free Gallery

It's about 2 years ago that Elin closed the door behind her, happy and relieved that her time in Girls Boarding School was over. She got attested that she turned the corner successfully, from a defiant and conceited brat, to a well behaving, well educated and honorable young lady. So can you imagine Headmaster Tom's bafflement when 2 years later all of a sudden a contrite Elin popped up in his office? Voluntarily asking for a readmission at Girls Boarding School? Well, not exactly voluntarily, but with a letter from her husband, reporting a sudden and unexpected relapse into truculence, insubordination and disobedience. Well Elin... then back to the drawing board, welcome back at Girls Boarding School! And get ready for your first OTK spanking and the wooden paddle immediately right here, right now!

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